
出版年月 期刊論文名稱 作者 期刊名稱
2024/09 漿紙產業無機副產物低碳排資源化之研究 蔡志達、李昂軒
2024/08 Advancing building technology: Utilizing recycled brick sand, geopolymer mortars, robotics, computer vision, and sustainable low carbon emission strategies Bhina, M. R., K. Y. Liu, Y. T. Shen, and C. T. Tsai
MRS Advances
Published online: https://doi.org/10.1557/s43580-024-00921-1
2024/05 Effects of fineness modulus variation in preheated sand on geopolymer material properties Bhina, M. R., K. Y. Liu, John-Eric H. Y. Hu, and C. T. Tsai
ASCE’s practice periodical on structural design and construction
Vol. 29, No. 3
3 筆資料,共 1 頁