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聯絡地址:70955 臺南市安南區安明路三段500號



日本長岡技術科學大學 工學研究科 博士


Nov. 2015 - Present 國立成功大學 永續環境實驗所 助理研究員
Sept. 2020 - Present 高雄大學 土木與環境工程系 兼任助理教授
Sept. 2017 - Present 高雄科技大學 環境與安全衛生 兼任助理教授
Sept. 2017 - Jun. 2020 樹人醫護管理專科學校 兼任講師
Aug. 2014 - Oct. 2015 國立成功大學 國際水質中心 博士後研究員
Feb. 2014 - Aug. 2014 澳洲 南澳水公司 訪問學者
Jan. 2013 - Feb. 2014 國立成功大學 國際水質中心 博士後研究員
Nov. 2009 - Jul. 2012 國立成功大學 環境工程系 博士後研究員
Jan. 2008 - Nov. 2009 日本廣島大學 土木工程系 外國研究員




  1. 薛欣達、莊蕙萍、蕭茂修、朱信, "由南臺灣海洋中篩選微藻減除二氧化碳及生產生質能前趨物之研究", 燃燒季刊, 第31卷,第3期,第75-86頁 November 2022
  2. Birgitta Narindri Rara Winayu, Hui-Ping Chuang, Hsin-Ta Hsueh, and Hsin Chu, "Elimination of Inorganic Carbon and Nitrogen Resided in Swine Wastewater Using Thermosynechococcus sp. CL-1 Enriched Culture.", Bioresource Technology, No. 336, pp. 125325-125335 May 2021
  3. Tsung-Yueh Tsai, He-Shin Lo, Hui-Ping Chuang, Yu-Ling Ji, Ming Yang, Chih-Ju Jou, "The Effects of the Conductivity in Wastewater for the Anammox Process.", Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, Vol. 20 No.4, pp. 1906-1911 December 2019
  4. Donamel M. Saiyari, Hui-Ping Chuang, Delia B. Senoro, Tsair-Fuh Lin, Liang-Ming Whang, Yi-Ting Chou and Yi-Hsuan Chen., "A Review in the Current Developments of genus Dehalococcoides, Its Consortia and Kinetics for Bioremediation Options of Contaminated Groundwater.", Sustainable Environmental Research, P 108, January 2018
  5. 游漢威、莊蕙萍、黃良銘、林財富, "氯烯類污染場址地下水中關鍵微生物與基因濃度之分佈", 農工學報, P 63(1), 13-21, May 2017
  6. 鄭嘉俊、莊蕙萍、黃良銘、林財富, "生物整治對南部某氯烯類污染地下水中關鍵微生物與污染物之影響", 農工學報, P 63(1), 42-49, May 2017
  7. Petra J. Reeve, Irina Mouilleron, Hui-Ping Chuang, Ben Thwaites, Kylie Hyde, Nirmala Dinesh, Joerg Krampe, Tsair-Fuh Lin and Ben van den Akkar, "Effect of Feed Starvation on Side-Stream Anammox Activity and Key Microbial Populations.", Journal of Environmental Management, January 2016
  8. Hui-Ping Chuang, Yi-Ju Wu, Ting-Hsuan Wang, Zhi-En Lin, Liang-Ming Whang and Tsair-Fuh Lin, "Microbial Community Responsible for Degrading Chlorinated Ethene in Groundwater", 土壤及地下水污染整治, 2015
  9. Hui-Ping Chuang, Jer-Horng Wu, Akiyoshi Ohashi, Kenichi Abe and Masasshi Hatamoto, "Potential of Nitrous Oxide Conversion in Batch and Down-flow Hanging Sponge Bioreactor Systems", Sustainable Environmental Research, 2014
  10. Jer-Horng Wu, Hui-Ping Chuang, Mao-Hsuan Hsu, and Wei-Yu Chen., "Use of a Hierarchical Oligonucleotide Primer Extension Approach for Multiplexed Relative Abundance Analysis of Methanogens in Anaerobic Digestion Systems.", Applied Environmental Microbiology, September 2013
  11. er-Horng Wu, Feng-Yau Wu, Hui-Ping Chuang, Wei-Yu Chen, Hung-Jen Huang and Wen-Tso Liu, "Community Proteomic Analysis of Methanogenic Consortia Degrading Terephthalate.", Applied Environmental Microbiology, January 2013
  12. Hui-Ping Chuang, Takashi Yamaguchi, Hideki Harada and Akiyoshi Ohashi*, "Anoxic Ammonium Oxidation by Application of a Down-Flow Hanging Sponge (DHS) Reactor", Journal of Environmental Engineering Manage, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 409-417 November 2008
  13. Hui-Ping Chuang, Hiroyuki Imachi, Madan Tandukar, Shuji Kawakami, Hideki Harada and Akiyoshi Ohashi*, "Microbial community that catalyzes partial nitrification at low oxygen atmosphere as revealed by 16S rRNA and amoA genes", Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol. 104, No. 6, pp. 525-528 October 2007


  1. Hui-Ping Chuang, Akiyoshi Ohashi and Hideki Harada., "The Contribution of Autotrophic Nitrogen Oxidizers to Global Nitrogen Conversion.", Recent Advances on Nitrification and Denitrification, 2023/11


  1. Hui-Ping Chuang, Wei-Ju Wu, Pin-Chen Chen, "The potential pathway of nitrous oxide conversion by chemoautotrophic nitrogen oxidizers.", 2023/11, The 36th JSME & The 13th ASME
  2. 莊蕙萍、吳尉如、陳品蓁, "好氧氮系微生物轉化一氧化二氮之可能路徑。", 2023/10, 2023年台灣微生物生態學會
  3. Hui-Ping Chuang, "The potential of aerobic autotrophic nitrogen-oxidizers contributed to global nitrous oxide conversion", 2023/03, 9th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2023)
  4. 袁菁、陳詠琛、莊蕙萍、戴永惇, "利用電動力技術提升生物試劑傳輸及三氯乙烯攔阻之現地模場試驗", 2022/11, 第三十四屆中華民國環境工程學會
  5. 莊蕙萍、李麗梅, "利用電子自旋共振儀評估菌株代謝3,5-二甲酚過程之自由電子變化。", 2022/09, 2022台灣微生物生態學學會
  6. Hui-Ping Chuang, Ben van den Akker, Irina Mouilleron, Mike Burch, and Tsair-Fuh Lin., "Microbial Community and Dynamics in a Low Energy Ammonium Removal System Determined by Next-Generation Sequencing and Quantitative PCR.", 2019/05, 11th Asian Symposium in Microbial Ecology (ASME)
  7. Hui-Ping Chuang, Henry Yew, Jia-Jun Tee, Liang-Ming Whang and Tsair-Fuh Lin., "Network and Gene Expression of Functional Dechlorinating Community in the Chloroethenes-Contained Sites.", 2018/07, 10th Asian Symposium in Microbial Ecology (ASME) kinawa, Japan
  8. Hui-Ping Chuang, Henry Yew, Hsin-Ta Hsueh, Tsair-Fuh Lin., "Application of Aerobic Activated Sludge and Anoxic Denitrifying Sludge to Cultivate the Microbial Community for Oxidizing Nitrous Oxide.", 2018/02, Taiwan Society of Microbial Ecology Taipei Taiwan
  9. Herry Yew, Hui-Ping Chuang, I-Chieh Chien, Pei-Ling Dong, Liang-Ming Whang and Tsair-Fuh Lin, "Quantification of the key microbes and main functional gene in the chlorinated ethenes-contaminated region using SybrGreen-qPCR method", 2015/11, The Annual meeting of the 27th Soil and Groundwater Conference 台灣中原大學
  10. Hui-Ping Chuang, Ben van den Akker, Irina Mouilleron, Mike Burch, Liang-Ming Whang and Tsair-Fuh Lin, "Targeted Microbial Diversity in Cycus Low Energy Ammonium Removal System Determined by 454 Pyrosequencing and Quantitative PCR.", 2015/08, 354th OMICS International Conference – World Congress and Expo on Applied Microbiology Frankfurt, Germany


  1. Hui-Ping Chuang, "Waste not want not.", 2023/12, 外文
  2. Hui-Ping Chuang, "Microbes Offer New Insights into Nitrogen Cycle.", 2018/09, 外文


年度 專利類別 專利名稱 專利開始日期 專利國家 專利發明人 專利權人
2020 發明專利 用於偵測脫鹵球菌的多重基因定量分析套組及方法 2020/5 台灣 林財富、黃良銘、蔡俊銘、莊蕙萍、鄭嘉俊、游漢威 國立成功大學
2014 發明專利 鑑定甲烷菌的寡核苷酸組、套組及彼等之鑑定方法 2014/11 台灣 吳哲宏、莊蕙萍、徐茂軒
2012 發明專利 即時檢測微生物之方法 2012/12 台灣 鄭幸雄、黃良銘、莊蕙萍、楊雅斐


計畫名稱 起訖日期 補助或委託機構 計畫內擔任工作
Integrate photosynthetic microalgae and nitrogen utilization microorganisms in the aerobic autotrophic family to reduce greenhouse gases in the global environment
2022-08-01 ~ 2023-07-31 科技部 計畫主持人
Application of microbes involved in nitrogen cycle to evaluate the converting pathway of nitrogen compounds and the expression of key gene groups(107-2221-E-006-011-MY2)
2018-08-01 ~ 2020-07-31 科技部 主持人
Application of biological systems cultured with nitrogen oxidizing microbes or cyanobacteria to evaluate the pathway of nitrous oxide conversion and gene expression(106-2221-E-006-018-)
2017-08-01 ~ 2018-07-31 科技部 主持人


計畫名稱 起訖日期 補助或委託機構 計畫內擔任工作
再生粒料應用於港區填築之研究 2022-10-01 ~ 2023-05-31 中龍鋼鐵股份有限公司 子計畫主持人
嗜油菌功能性基因表現及其萃取蛋白酶 對促進烷烴降解功效之研究 2022-07-14 ~ 2022-11-30 台灣中油股份有限公司探採研究所 計畫主持人
六甲綠能驗證平台操作與採樣分析 2018-11-08 ~ 2019-06-24 工業技術研究院 協助系統操作與採樣分析
優化禽畜糞有機肥料的生產 2018-06-01 ~ 2019-05-31 貿凱國際股份有限公司 主要計畫規劃與執行人
耐高溫高效油脂分解純菌篩選與培養研究 2018-05-01 ~ 2019-02-28 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司 實驗規劃與執行
含氯污染場址分子生物監測套件之開發 2015-02-01 ~ 2017-01-31 科技部 計畫規劃、執行和整合
食糧危機:以蝦類養殖為模式建構科學化永續水產養殖產業 2014-11-01 ~ 2018-10-31 科技部 環工系計畫執行與整合