
出版年月 期刊論文名稱 作者 期刊名稱
2012/05 鋁渣處置與管理現況探討 林健榮, 盧幸成, 葉俊廷, 蔡志威, 戴年禧
2012/03 Health risk of aerosols and toxic metals from incense and joss paper burning Hsin-Ta Hsueh, Tzu-Hsing Ko, Wen-Chieh Chou, Wen-Chi Hung, Hsin Chu
Environmental Chemistry Letters
10, 79-87
2012/02 利用營建剩餘土石方開發冷壓型再生粗骨料之可行性 蔡志達, 張建智, 李隆盛, 張祖恩
2012/01 石油含氯溶劑污染場址之環境法醫技術應用 梁蜀昀 林高弘 莊育賢 李振誥
2012/01 Geochemical characteristics of the mud volcano fluids in southwestern Taiwan and their possible linkage to elevated arsenic concentration in Chianan plain groundwater Liu, C.C., Maity, J.P., Jean, J.S., Reza, A.H.M.S., Li, Z.H., Nath, B., Lee, M.K., Lin, K.H., Bhattacharya
Environmental Earth Sciences
2012/01 Adsorption of tetracycline on 2:1 layered non-swelling clay mineral illite Chang, P.H., Li, Z.H., Jean, J.S., Jiang, W.T., Wang, C.J., Lin, K.H.
Applied Clay Scince
vol 67-68 :SI:pp158-163
2012/01 Foam fractionation of crystal growth for nanotechnology Atla, S.B., Chen, C. Y., Yang, J,. Chen, C. C., Sun, A. C., Lin, K. H., Maity, J. P., Pan, W., Cheng, K. C.
Chemical Engineering Journal
vol.184: pp333-341
2012/01 Recycling lime sludge from CPDC An-Shun site as coarse aggregates through cold-bonding technique Tsai, C. T., C. C. Chang, L. S. Li, T. C. Kung
Advanced Materials Research
2011/12 N-doped TiO2 photo-catalyst for the degradation of 1, 2-dichloroethane under fluorescent light Yi-Hsing Lin, Tang-Chun Chiu, Hsin-Ta Hsueh, Hsin Chu
Applied Surface Science
2011/09 利用營建剩餘土石方與冷結技術產製再生粒料之研究 蔡志達, 張建智, 李隆盛, 張祖恩
164 筆資料,共 17 頁