
出版年月 研討會論文名稱 作者 會議名稱 期別及起迄頁數
2007/12 Bio-fixation of Carbon Dioxide and Bio-energy Production with Marine Microalgae Hsueh, H. T., Hsiao, M. H., Chen, H. H., Cheng, W. C., Chu, H.*
Conference 2007 Taiwan-Japan International Symposium on Environmental Science
Tainan, Taiwan
2007/11 以海洋微藻固定CO2 及液相中無機碳並做為生質能之研究 鄭玟芩,蕭茂修,薛欣達,陳幸慧,朱信*
2007/08 The yields of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins by the bio-fixation of CO2 with a hot spring cyanobacterium under various ratios of C/N Hsueh, H. T., Chen, H. H., Cheng, W. C., Chu, H.*
The 5th Asian Aerosol Conference
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2007/02 Bio-fixation of CO2 with photosynthetic microorganisms Chu, H.*, Hsueh, H. T., Shiao, M. H.
the Japan-Taiwan joint symposium on environmental science and technology
kitakyushu, Japan
4 筆資料,共 1 頁